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onlinevideopokerformoney| Soluna cooperates with strategic partners to launch new AI cloud services, rising nearly 10%

Soluna Holdings Inc, a green data center developerOnlinevideopokerformoney. (SLNHOnlinevideopokerformoneyUs) announced that it was working with a leading companyOnlinevideopokerformoneyEnterprise GPU server suppliers, original equipment manufacturers (OEM) and artificial intelligence (AI) infrastructure-as-a-service providers ("strategic partners") establish partnerships. SolunaOnlinevideopokerformoneySoluna Cloud, its new subsidiary, has signed a cooperation agreement with the strategic partner to jointly launch an initial cluster based on NVIDIA H100 GPU to support the needs of large-scale artificial intelligence projects. As of press time, Soluna rose nearly 10% to $2.67 at the start of the day.

It is understood that Soluna is a company that specializes in developing green data centers, which are mainly used for bitcoin mining and other activities that require a lot of computing resources. Subsidiary Soluna Cloud plans to leverage its strategic partners' renewable energy high-performance data centers, which are known for their superior energy efficiency and sustainability, and will help Soluna Cloud achieve the environmental sustainability goals of its operations.

In addition, Soluna's new Helix data center will provide customers with a growth platform to meet the growing demand for more sustainable data center services powered by renewable energy.

It is worth mentioning that this partnership expands Soluna Cloud's product range not only to bare metal infrastructure, but also to comprehensive software solutions provided by strategic partners for artificial intelligence pipelines.

onlinevideopokerformoney| Soluna cooperates with strategic partners to launch new AI cloud services, rising nearly 10%


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